330 E 61st St Multi-Day Hotel Parking

Save Up to 30% OFF
Hotel Parking
for 2 to 10-Day Stays!

Stay for 24 to 72 hours & receive 25% OFF parking*

Stay for 72 hours up to 10 days & receive 30% OFF parking*

330 E 61st St
330 East 61st Street
330 East 61st Street

Regular 24-hour Rate: $45.00
25% Off 24-hour Rate: $33.75*
30% Off 24-hour Rate: $31.50*

Nearby Hotels include:

The Bentley Hotel

* Limit – one coupon per stay & cannot be combined with other offers. There is a 24-hour minimum & 10-day maximum stay. 25% off discount applies to parking for 24 to 72 hours. 30% off discount applies to parking for 72 hours up to 10 days. Discount applies to hourly “Main Board” rates. No in and out privileges. Early Bird or any other daily specials are excluded. Offer includes oversize vehicles. See promo.parking.com/nychotels for participating parking locations. Coupon must be printed and presented to parking attendant at checkout. Expires 1/6/2021.